Unlock the OFFICIAL YEAT SOUND with this template. You will have EVERYTHING you need to achieve the sound you hear on YEAT'S TOP songs! This template includes the effects YEAT uses to get his CRISP signature sound!
Unlock the OFFICIAL YEAT SOUND with this template. You will have EVERYTHING you need to achieve the sound you hear on YEAT'S TOP songs! This template includes the effects YEAT uses to get his CRISP signature sound!

Simplify and Accelerate the Mixing Process with the YEAT Template!
Learn about the Template
Make sure you choose thecorrect DAWthat you use torecordyourvocals. Eachversioncomes with astock versionandwaves version.(If you don't have these plugins for thewavesversion it wont load correctly).For theWavesedition youneed:
- Waves: NS1
- Waves: R Comp
- Waves: DeEsser
- Waves: CLA-76
- Waves: SSL E channel
- Fab Filter Q3
- Fresh Air (Free)
- Valhalla Vintage Verb (You can use any reverb)
- Valhalla Delay (You can use any Delay)
REQUIRES FL STUDIO 21Take your music to the next level with the newly released Vocal Template created by Quinton Bobbitt!.This template is designed for ease of use to make it as easy as possible for you to make your vocals so clean like the industry-standard you hear today on the fly.Included you get:- Template Files to get the Perfect mix for YEATvocal!

Here you can see exactly what this Template can do and how it will make your FL STUDIO look!


Heres what you need to know about this template!
Will I be able to run this template?
If you crack FL Studio I would not recommend using this template as you most likely need the most up to date version of FL. The template was built on 21.2 and will not open in older versions.
Do I need extra plugins to use the template?
There is a stock version and a waves version. If you do not have the waves suite, grab the stock version. On the other hand if you do have waves plugins, go ahead and grab the waves addition as this is the version I use!
When does it actually come out?
Check out the countdown timer above, but it will be coming out 12/22!